Forecasting Green Jobs in Africa

Read our first of its kind report that forecasts the new direct job creation potential of 12 green sub-sectors by 2030. The report predicts the creation of up to 3.3 million new green jobs across the continent, with the majority in renewable energy, particularly solar.

More about the report

By 2050, expert projections suggest jobs created within the green economy could well approach 100 million. The pioneering study provides detailed forecasts for five focus countries, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa, which together account for more than 20% of new jobs, and in key sectors such as e-mobility, agriculture, construction and manufacturing.


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About Forecasting Green Jobs in Africa

This report is joint initiative between Shortlist and FSD Africa, supported by Boston Consulting Group.

We hope this report highlights the critical role of human capital in green economic growth and suggests further research to provide a detailed view of skills demand and potential mismatches. Alongside the report, we are also sharing the full Excel spreadsheet to enable others to learn from and build on the methodology. We look forward to feedback and efforts to build on this.

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